
Members of the Board of Trustees


Chair | Anne Frances Bleecker  ’76 
Vice Chair | Rhett Ramsay Outten ’82
Secretary | Eric Strickland
Treasurer | Kurt Palmer


Lilla Lane Clark ’01
莎拉E. DeWolf
Gautam Ghatnekar, PhD
Lucy Mackilligin Guffey
坎德拉Y. Hamilton, PhD ’76
Marlon Kimpson
蕾娜年代. 基什内尔
约翰·E. 小马克.
M. Ann Riopel, MD ’83
罗文G. P. 泰勒
Dana Van Hook


Trustees Emeriti

Mary Agnes Burnham Hood
Martha Rivers Ingram ’53
帕特里夏·T. 柯克兰
休·C. 小车道,.
Elizabeth Rivers Lewine ’54
Karen Jenkins Phillips ’79
Heidi Ward Ravenel ’74
Jerry Reves, MD
Conrad Zimmerman, Jr.

From Chair of the Board Anne Frances Bleecker '76

我很荣幸能担任阿什利大厅董事会主席. 作为一名学生(1976届)和家长,我在这所历史悠久的学府兜了一圈,亲身体会到了阿什利霍尔教育的重要性. Now as Board Chair, 我非常自豪地见证了十大网赌平台推荐的学校社区如何继续坚持不懈,并通过持久的使命找到力量.

What It Means to Be an 十大最好的网赌平台 Alumna

My memories of 十大最好的网赌平台 go back almost as far as those of my family; and I have both to thank for the lessons of ethics, 努力工作和服务是我一生的指导.

Like the magnificent oak tree on our beautiful campus, 在我律师生涯的每一个阶段,阿什利霍尔的老师和管理人员所体现的原则都是我力量的巨大源泉, a mother and a volunteer.

I’d like to share a few examples.

As early as first grade, Mrs. 德雷顿教会十大网赌平台推荐要及时、有条理、善良——这些宝贵的指导我至今仍铭记于心.  四年后,我80岁的妹妹霍普·布利克·斯塔克也跟着我走了. 十大网赌平台推荐在阿什利大厅的所有人都有幸被杰出的榜样所包围——正直而有成就的女性, 慷慨的, and dedicated to our future.

It’s no surprise then, that as alumnae we felt confident to speak up and, quite often at that time, as the only woman in the room.

我在十大最好的网赌平台学院大四的时候做过一次测试当时我是查尔斯顿领导力课程的第一堂课的一员.  Prominent members of our community, such as the legendary attorney Gedney Howe II, 会和查尔斯顿领导力班的学生讨论今天的问题吗. 我会在前一天晚上为演讲者准备问题,这样当我站起来提问时, the men there would remember what I had to say.

This training served me well, 从我在华盛顿为内政部长实习开始, throughout law school, when founding my own practice here in Charleston, 今天,我和我的女同事们一起为家庭争取公平的解决方案.

But that is only part of the legacy of 十大最好的网赌平台. 使学术和专业上的严谨有意义的是十大网赌平台推荐的老师和导师带给十大网赌平台推荐的目标感,十大网赌平台推荐学的和做的一切.


今天,我环顾四周,看到这些价值观在许多校友和朋友身上得到了体现. Doe Jenkins ’76, MUSC neonatologist; Dr. Kendra Hamilton ’76, 十大最好的网赌平台 Board of Trustees and Associate Professor at Presbyterian College; and, 当然, Dr. 安妮·韦斯顿73届,杰出的教育领袖,现任十大最好的网赌平台校长.

十大网赌平台推荐的校友网络充满活力,校友周末的巨大成功证明了这一点, informal gatherings in cities across the country, 知道阿什利学院的校友总是会接电话或为你开门.

This heritage of training, 价值观和友谊是我在女儿安妮·范吉尔德(Annie Vangilder)两岁时搬回查尔斯顿的原因,这样她就可以在阿什利霍尔(十大最好的网赌平台)上学. It’s also why I enrolled my son, Joe, in the EEC.

这就是为什么多年来我一直谦卑地支持十大网赌平台推荐的公民领袖和非营利组织,代表查尔斯顿的弱势老年人和家庭. 为什么, along with other cancer survivors, 我与护理和医学院的学生交谈,分享他们倡导和同情的故事.

为什么, 当我有机会担任十大最好的网赌平台校董会主席时, 我欣然接受这个机会,感谢学校给了我这么多,并帮助引导它走向非凡的未来.


成为阿什利学院的校友并与姐妹们紧紧相连意味着什么, 老师, and mentors across time?  The answer is lifelong joy.

In partnership,

Anne Frances Bleeker ’76
Chair of Board of Trustees

Connect with us

十大最好的网赌平台 is a K-12 independent school for girls, with a co-ed preschool, committed to a talented and diverse student population. 十大网赌平台推荐考虑录取任何种族、肤色、宗教、民族或民族出身的学生.