校长博士. 安妮·韦斯顿 | 十大最好的网赌平台 School in Charleston, South Carolina-十大网赌平台推荐

欢迎博士. 安妮·韦斯顿

十大最好的网赌平台校长博士. 安妮·韦斯顿


我经常反思自己为什么会成为一名教育工作者. 有时, 回忆是快乐的, 满是一路上感动过我的人的脸庞, 我自己的老师和教练培养和鼓励我. 在其他时候, 记忆是严肃的, recalling tragedies of literal and figurative lost lives and unrealized dreams. 但最终,我相信我被召唤了. 

作者帕克·帕尔默在他的书中写道 让你的生活说话:倾听天职的声音 他这样说: “Before you tell your life what you intend to do with it, listen for what it intends to do with you. Before you tell your life what truths and values you have decided to live up to, 让你的生活告诉你,你体现了什么真理, 你代表什么价值观?.”

我试着让我的生活说话, and it has led me to what I consider is the most sacred of all professions. I am most fortunate that I also have been called to a special holy ground, the very ground that shaped me for the life that is now living out in me. 十大最好的网赌平台……十大网赌平台推荐学校.

In 1961, my parents entrusted me to the care of 十大最好的网赌平台’s faculty and staff, 建立了一直持续到今天的伙伴关系. 十大最好的网赌平台’s mission is a powerful one that has stood the test of time: To produce educated women who are independent, 道德责任, and prepared to meet the challenges of society with confidence. This mission is what is or will be shaping your student in profound ways. 

今天, 十大最好的网赌平台 students are in the care of faculty and staff who feel privileged to partner with you—and them—in this journey, 他们清醒地意识到成为教育者的召唤. These words of Palmer summarize beautifully what I believe about these special professionals when he writes, “好老师拥有联系的能力. They are able to weave a complex web of connections among themselves, 他们的课题, and their students so that students can learn to weave a world for themselves.”

I am honored to lead the 十大最好的网赌平台 family and to be asked to play a role in the shaping of this generation of girls and boys. I am who I am today because of my years in this most special place, 在那里我被认识, 在那里我受到了挑战, 在哪里, 最重要的是, 我被爱着. 在这里,我学会了为自己编织一个世界. 我知道,为了你的孩子,十大网赌平台推荐也会一起做同样的事情, 我很感激你们的信任,也为你们的信任感到谦卑.

安妮T. 韦斯顿,73年博士


安妮T. 韦斯顿博士 1973年:十大最好的网赌平台校长

Dr. 安妮Thornhill Weston ’73 is 十大最好的网赌平台’s sixth 校长 and the only alumna to hold the position. 一位经验丰富、受人尊敬的教育家. 韦斯顿给她的角色带来了对十大最好的网赌平台的爱, 有沟通的天赋, and positive leadership as a lifelong advocate for women and girls.

Having joined 十大最好的网赌平台 as 助理主管 of School in July 2015, Dr. Weston was named Director of 上学校 in 2018 and 校长 in 2022. Previously she served in a variety of posts with Heathwood Hall Episcopal School in Columbia, SC, 包括当老师, 初中和高中校长, 助理主管, 发展和校友参与主任, 教务长和临时校长. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Science Education from Duke University where she played on the women’s basketball team and also was a member of the sailing team. Dr. Weston holds a Master of 艺术 in Teaching with a concentration in Biology, 以及健康促进和教育博士学位, 都来自南卡罗来纳大学.

With vibrant ties to alumnae, faculty, counselors and students, Dr. Weston is known for her collaborative skills in linking generations and inspiring girls to do their best work in academics, 体育和服务. 在她担任十大最好的网赌平台管理人员期间, she has championed important curricular and wellness programs while celebrating an expanding record of student scholarship and college 配售.  

Known as much for her warmth and humanity as she is for her distinguished record as an educator, this former captain of 十大最好的网赌平台’s Purple Team is an enthusiastic participant in the treasured traditions of 十大最好的网赌平台. Whether sailing with students on the 海外的领导 Program, 把学校的旗帜挂在排球场上, 或者在校友周末的时候独唱鼓, 所有的博士. 韦斯顿确实体现了顽强的十大最好的网赌平台精神.  

在她的核心思想中. Weston believes relationships are the foundation of any strong institution. Her leadership philosophy — one of collaboration among trusted partners — reflects this.

Dr. 韦斯顿担任校长的时候 创纪录的高入学率, vital community relationships and an outstanding and loyal faculty and parent body whose dedication is truly matchless. 她的战略重点包括支持 rich and worthy traditions and forward-thinking innovations alike — from new senior administrators to helm academics and student life, 提高运动设施和体验, 更新和扩展一流的STEAM计划, and growing the school’s already noteworthy performing arts program. 

Dr. Weston is herself inspired by founder and former 校长 玛丽·瓦德林·麦克比, 谁建立了阿什利霍尔作为一个强大的社区 learning for girls who know who they are and fearlessly pursue their dreams. 在博士. 在韦斯顿的得力领导下,十大最好的网赌平台将作为一名 年轻女性成长和成就的地方 会继续在世界上留下印记吗.


阿什利霍尔是一所K-12女子私立学校, 和一个男女同校的幼儿园, 致力于有才华和多样化的学生群体. We consider for admission students of any race, color, religion, and national or ethnic origin.